[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Down Light Hazards are a problem in many homes. The holes for the Down Light are then marked and drilled. One will often drill through, and unfortunately, this will have to be the home of the downlight. This could mean the light is under a beam or through a baton.
This becomes a problem as the heat generated from a 40 watt or 50 watts Down Light. It can reach up to 250 degrees. In some cases, even as much as 320 deg c.
This can also become a problem as the Down Lights that are so close to the timber with the sawdust can be very close to the ignition point.
If the Insulation is covering the down Lights, it could become a fire hazard. As the heat over the timber will potentially catch on fire as a result of heat being stored.
The Insulation won’t burn, but the heat source so close to timber beams or batons could become a fire risk.
Down Light Hazards How To Solve The Problem?
- Be sure to use the services of experienced Insulation Installers if your home has several Down Lights.
- Step one clean all sawdust away from the batons or beams. Make sure there are no leaves or plastic lying on the Down Lights.
- Step two use energy save Down Lights. They save you money. In fact, 13 energy saver Down Lights would use as much energy as one 40 watts Down Light. This will reduce the Down Light Hazard quite substantially.
- Step three always use a professional installer who is well aware of these types of problems, with well-trained staff and full supervision at all times.
Down Light Hazards What Could Go Wrong?
A house where the Down Light is in contact with the timber batons or beams could potentially be a fire hazard. This is on non-energy saver types. Cutting the appropriate breathing hole is all that is needed.
Homes that are not insulated correctly could also add to this problem. It is a problem that could cost you your valuable home.
Make sure you get the right advice from the beginning. Make sure your installer or contractor is fully aware of the issues with downlight fittings.
Would Energy Saver Down Lights Be Safe If Covered By Insulation?
Energy saver Down Lights most certainly won’t cause a fire. When you sell the home, the problem comes when the new owner fits 40 or 50-watt globes as the old ones blow. He now unwittingly creates a problem that can have serious consequences.
No, absolutely not!!! No Insulation should cover a Down Light end of the story.
If you were away from home and a globe blows and your good wife or the kids go to the local hardware and purchase a 40 or 50-watt bulb, that could mistakenly be a disaster. At all times, never cover the Downlight with Insulation.
How To Install Insulation Over The Down Light?
All Downlights must have a hole around them with no Insulation covering the Down Light. This will get rid of the Down Light Hazards from Insulation totally.
Also, when Installing Insulation moves, all sawdust away from batons or beams were applicable.
Does this mean that the insulation can burn?
Absolutely not, Insulation products like Aerolite cannot burn. They are rolled from Insulation and do not have to have cones over them with small outlets. The insulation can’t blow around in the roof like loose fill blow in type paper insulation. This is a must because of the fine dust blowing in strong wind.
This is not a problem with roll form Insulation. The Think Pink is non-combustible insulation, and we would still recommend a breathing hole be cut.
Installers of world-class Insulation Products Ins South Africa, Cape Town, Western Cape, Gauteng, Bloemfontein, East London Kzn.
Down Light Hazard’s fire loss of homes, Downlight Hazards can be avoided, Down Light Hazards are a danger to life and property, Down.
Light Hazards can cause financial ruin. Down Light Hazards are a simple, easy fix in the right hands.
Even though Thermal Insulation Products like Isotherm and Aerolite cant burn, it is not safe to cover Down Lights as the temperature of the no energy saver downlights of 40 or 50 watts can reach temperatures of 270 to 350 degrees.